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C A O R U N N  G I N 

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Caorunn Gin is handcrafted in the Scottish Highlands each bottle has a choice of 5 five locally foraged gin botanicals infused to create the unique mix:

Magical Botanicals:

The Rowan Berry 

Part of the genus Sorbus of the rose family, Rosaceae. The Rowan Berry has a rather bitter flavor, hence its use in liquors such as Gin. Take a look at some of the health benefits of Rowan Berries on Organic Facts  an added perk to your cocktail ;)



Blackthorn or commonly known as a ‘Sloe’ is also a member of the rose family. The berry that looks very similar to a blueberry is traditionally found in Europe, western Asia and northwest Africa. Take a look at some interesting benefits of this powerful little delight here



By using a flavoured vinegar they infuse the haws to preserve the flavour and medicinal qualities found in the plant. Extensive research has been done on Hawthorn and its powerful effects on lowering high blood pressure (Read More)



A primarily Eurasian plant, it is made into a syrup and gives gin its ‘gin’ flavour. This plant is packed full of antioxidants and can be used in pies and jelly as well as gin (Read More) 



Packed full of minerals such as iron, potassium, phosphorus and copper. The sweet berries are a beautiful addition to any recipe (Read More)


Although the health benefits of botanicals may be far from your mind when settling into a cocktail it is lovely to reflect on these traditional uses of these plants.


Glass: Martini

Garnish: Lemon 'flower' on stick

Method: STIR all ingredients with ice and strain into chilled glass.

50ml Caorunn Gin

20ml Velvet Falernum liqueur

5ml Rose water

7.5ml Citric acid solution (1tsp citric acid dissolved in 90ml water)

2 dash Orange bitters